Welcome + Thank you for taking the time to get to know me! Let me tell you more about me and also how I began in boudoir photography…

My name is Rou and I am here to capture your beauty and help you enhance your most important relationship-the one with yourself. A boudoir shoot with me with help you reconnect with yourself, step into your power, and embrace your femininity and sexuality. The more you pour into your own cup the better everything in your life will be. It all begins with loving yourself.

I am a self love advocate here to help all women fall in love with themselves. Everybody and every body can benefit from a boudoir shoot, the power of it is indescribable.

I am a happily divorced mom of 3 with a goal of igniting confidence in other women, helping them love themselves and feel empowered. Photography was a lifelong passion that turned into a career back in 2014. My work has been published internationally in places like People Magazine, Hola, US Weekly, Hello and various online publications.

Boudoir photography began as a passion project in 2019. It began when a woman reached out to me and asked if I’d consider doing a boudoir shoot for her because she was dealing with pain in her life after losing her husband and spent years grieving and feeling ‘ugly’. The time I spent with her hearing her story really moved me and I never forgot it. It was incredible to see how a simple photoshoot could transform her in front of my eyes and help make her feel beautiful and confident again while breaking her out of a dark place. It surely wouldn’t fill the void in her life but feeling good about ourselves goes a long way in our healing.

I was also in a transitional place of my own life at this time, coming out of a divorce and navigating the dating world, which all was very trying on my own self esteem. I was insecure and also desired to feel good about my image and my own body so this all resonated with me.

I wanted to continue making other women feel beautiful and help them enhance the greatest relationship in their lives- the one with THEMSELVES. Self love and self confidence go way beyond liking what we see in the mirror. Being able to look past our insecurities and recognize beauty and comfort in the skin we are in is a genuine high that is very empowering and healing. We should all celebrate ourselves. There is also something very special about connecting to your own sensuality and feminine energy.